Dear Latin Mass Parishioners,
On Friday July 16, Bishop Persico wrote to our Latin Mass community assuring us of his continued support as he discerned how he would implement Pope Francis’ motu proprio which established new norms for the celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 Missal. One of those norms specifies that the bishop is to “designate one or more locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic celebration.” It further requires that those locations ought not be “parochial churches”. That is to say, the traditional latin mass ought not be held in the principal church of a parish. Since St. Casimir Church is the principal church of Mother of Sorrows Parish and St. Anthony Church is the principal church of St. Anthony Parish, the Latin Mass Community will have to move to two different sites, namely, to non-parochial churches.
Bishop Persico has, therefore, determined that the Latin Mass Community of the City of Erie will be given full use of St. Hedwig’s Church and the Latin Mass Community of Cambridge Springs be permitted to use St. Brigid Church in Meadville, effective on Sunday January 9, 2022. St. Hedwig’s Church is a mission church within St. Stanislaus Parish and St. Brigid Church is a mission church within Epiphany of the Lord Parish. Both are beautiful churches that are suited to the traditional liturgy.
Bishop Persico is hopeful that our community will benefit from these moves. He assures us of our stability at these new locations and wishes for us to make them our homes.
Some of the details of these move are still being settled. Likewise, they will require a lot of assistance from you, both in your time and your money. Be prepared for further announcements concerning the ways in which you can help with these moves. While these moves will not be easy, I am entrusting them to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I am confident that he will use them for his glory. Be assured of my prayers.
In Christ,
Fr. Power