If you wish to get involved in any of the ministries, please fill out the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the page.

Maria Auxilium Christianorum
The Maria Auxilium Christianorum prayer group meets on the third Wednesday of each month, about a half hour prior to Mass in the church, to pray for the conversion of children, relatives, and friends who have left the church or who have lost their faith under the mantle of “Mary, Help of Christians.” There will be a black notebook labeled “Mary, Help of Christians” where you are welcome to add the names of those who we will specifically be praying for their conversion.

Purgatorial Society
The Purgatorial Society prays for the souls in purgatory and arranges for Masses to be offered for their repose. The Purgatorial Society holds their devotions on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:00pm at St. Hedwig Church (before the 5:30pm Mass). They also meet every Monday at 7:00pm at the Drumm home.

State Street Ministry
The State Street Ministry every Tuesday from 10:45am to 12:00pm on the SW corner of 9th and State as we pray the rosary, evangelize, and meet the needs of those we encounter. You can also help by donating gently used clothes. Please see the flyer in the back of the church for more details.